Callie’s, a beautiful extension of Plant Kingdom, is a completely Vegan, Plant-Based presently counter serviced organic local food establishment. Callie's is situated on one half of an acre at the corner of Houston Street and North Elm, in the unique and ever growing heart of Old Town Tomball.
Callie's, first established in 2014, when she started preparing and delivering wholesome organic foods and nutritional advisement plans for clients at Gym Jessop in Spring, TX, which rapidly expanded from Galveston Island to Lake Conroe.
Around this same time Callie began to provide her organic vegan foods to the local farmers markets in our surrounding areas through which her efforts then led to the acquisition of our current building here at 100 Houston Street in Tomball, Texas.
Over the course of the next year we will convert to a more service oriented restaurant grocer and begin opening in the evenings as well. We will be offering organic select vegan wines and specialty ale’s, live music, along with even more deliciously crafted meals.
Our unyielding primary purpose in this life is to gain the upmost amount of knowledge attainable of this density, or realm in which we live, to then disseminate this invaluable wisdom in and through each and every endeavor to that which we are involved.
Nutrition is in part our Creator, and for this alone we will be ceaseless in our learning of what is intelligently designed for ingestion and that which is most certainly not. We are highly aware that there are numerous levels of Proper Human Nutrition, and that next to a Raw Frugivorous diet of Unadulterated Green Plants, Heirloom Fruits and Cold Pressed Alkaline Oils All, other dietary is secondary, and moves down the chain from there with one exception, one of a Breatharian in the most perfectly elevated of atmosphere's.
In the spirit of the last statement it is important to us here that our visitors know that aside from a Raw Frugivorous dietary they are in fact receiving the best of a certain level of Nutrition to be sure. Whether it be through our Mineral Salts, Non Modified Sprouted Wheat or Corn products, or a Cold pressed, Raw Essential and Unadulterated Oil, all of our food material is as close to Nature as can be purchased and distributed. Any and all foods, spices, cleaning materials etc, have been carefully vetted by those of us whom have a tremendous amount of knowledge in the area of human nutrition.
It is imperative for those of us whom wish to thrive in our current environment to continue to nutrify ourselves not only with the best of foods, but also with accurate information, and the truth of it is, the two are one in the same.
In the Summer of 2013 it became immediately obvious that what we call our dietaries is one of the most profound subjects of them all. Learning quickly that a constant furthering of my comprehension of this seemingly simple term Nutrition, would come the greatest of all rewards, that is the deep wisdom obtained from its knowledge which has now become the greatest devotion of my life.

New eyes were created for me through proper nutrition to rightly see the intentional inversion of the world in which we live and the importance of knowing how to remain healthy while navigating through it.
To know that all things return to “their” source, that we ourselves of course become closer to that which we choose to ingest, made it translucent the path which I will forever remain bound, as I continue this beautiful sojourn where leaving this world a better place than being born into seems like the most wise objective.
Anyone will find upon expanded reflection as I have, that to be an integral part of the deeper awakening so we all might live as we once did, in a peaceful harmonious world, begins with love, and admiration, directed particularly to the defenseless sentient beings called animals.
Vegan Chef, Animal Guardian, Certified Wholistic Nutritionist, Owner of Plant Kingdom, Callie's and The Golden Guardian Non Profit.
My life has been entirely devoted to intently examining the most exalted minds and personalities of all time, and all that is yet to come. The human family, myself included, owes a great deal of gratitude and admiration to these luminaries in which the vast majority of our populace seem to know nothing of.
Author, Owner of Plant Kingdom, 3x Mr. Texas & Texas Strongest Man, Wholistic Nutritionist
"A wise man will listen, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding will seek wise counsel."
The book of Proverbs 1:5